"I create metaphors colored by the absurd."
Born 1978, Bay Area, CALIFORNIA, USA
RESIDING 2009, Singapore, Singapore
My paintings & Illustrations explore issues of isolation, self-reflection and storytelling.
Although I have a formal educaton in Film Production and Conceptual Arts, I gravitate towards the canvas for that rare opportunity of introspection. In those quiet moments before marking the blank surface, I let go of all artificial constructs of subtleties and deliberately confront reoccurring symbols. In my role as artist, no restraint is needed for the off-kilter or the bizarre. Yet, I think presenting disturbing subject matters bluntly actually allows me to layer more and darker undercurrents.
tbSMITH's first jobs straight out of high school were in a string of boomtime tech-startups: 20 hour work days, pool tables, free food, etc. When even that can't maintain his interest in corporate life, he went for double B.A.s in Film Production and Conceptual Art at San Francisco State University. After graduating, he clearly committed against the 9-to-5 by working as a digital/web designer under the guise of Needle Media and have since made a lot of clients very happy. He currently resides in Singapore.
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